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Welcome to http://www.Dandali.com: Fadi naka fadi nawa!
Music / Songs



Barka Da Zuwa
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Dandali - Audio - Radio

Check out the Audio section of Dandali to find a list of Radio Stations that broadcast news and other programs in Hausa language. Broadcast times, possible frequencies (bands), locations broadcast to, web site link and if programs are electronically archived are included.

Voice of America, Radio Deutsche Welle, BBC, Iran Broadcasting and China Radio are among the Radio stations listed. So check it out and give us your feedback and or comments. #Comment#


Dandali - Arabic / Hausa {urani
November 30th 2001
Ramadan 14, 1422

Scans of the Arabic / Hausa {urani starting from suratul NABA' to suratul NAS has just been uploaded.

Also audio files of Tafsir (suratul NABA' to suratul NAS) from the late Malam Abubakar Gummi, has been uploaded in the Audio section of this site. There is also a link to more Tafsir from Malam Isa Waziri and Malam Kabara in the Audio section of KanoOnline.com.

E-mail comments to the Webmaster

Ramadan Mubarak!
A sha ruwa lafiya!

You may want to check out Wasannin Tashe. . .


<---The End--->

Thats all folks!


©2001 by Dandali.com
- The current date & time is Wed Mar 26 2025 22:39:26 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)-
- This page last modified 02/04/2022 10:53:19 -
Unique Hits since December 2001

Voice of America
Muryar Amurka

Deutsch Velle
Muryar Jama'ar Jamus

BBC ke magana

Sashin hausa

Radio China
Rediyon Sin


