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Dandali - Hausa Books
Barka da zuwa Dandali.com - Hausa Books

Welcome to the Books section of Dandali.com: This section contains a list of books and other items relating to Hausa, Hausa People, Hausa Culture, Hausa History, Hausa Region and much more. It is brought to your in association with Amazon.com. If you know or would like to have a book or other item to be listed here, please submit it to us so we can add it to this list. #submit#...

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 Hausa-English English-Hausa Dictionary...
  by Nicholas Awde

 Hausa Women in the Twentieth Century
Catherine Coles, Beverly MacK

 Poetry, Prose and Popular Culture in Hausa
  by Graham Furniss

Dandali - Audio

 Niamey Twice
cover   Saadou Bori

 Niger: Dendi Music
cover Harouna Goge

 The River
cover   Ali Farka Toure


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<---The End--->

Thats all folks!


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Unique Hits since December 2001

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